Melissa Sallie Office Info

Melissa/Sallie Office Schedule:  10 AM  – 1 PM


*Office will be open when volunteers are available to staff

Office Duties:

Collect dues, update Master List, sell merchandise, record sales.


Contact Carolyn Becraft if you wish to work: or 218-846-1943



Saturday, June 13- Carolyn Becraft

Sunday, June 14- Aase Gowin

Saturday, June 20- Olivia Evans & Jude Hatlie

Sunday June 21- Kit Bleeker/Jim Kinsella

Saturday, June 27-Jim and Kay Coleman

Sunday, June 28-Carole Schornack

Sunday, July 5-Judy Knudsvig and Kathy Mohn

Saturday, July 11-Phyllis Espegard and Judy Hatlie

Sunday, July 12-Nancy Schuet, Sue Lambe, and Anne Hunter

Saturday, July 18-Susan Decker

Sunday, July 19-

Saturday, July 25-Kathy Heinle and Donna Knudson

Sunday, July 26-Marion Kirschner

Saturday, August 1-Olivia Evans and Kim Garcia

Sunday, August 2-Chris Poe

Saturday, August 8-

Sunday, August 9-

Saturday, August 15- Marsha Johansen/Vicky Williams

Sunday, August 16-

Saturday, August 22-Phyllis Espegard and Judy Hatlie

Sunday, August 23-

Saturday, August 29-Cyndi Anderson

Sunday, August 30-

Saturday, September 5-Barb Raschke

Sunday, September 6-

June Newsletter


Greater Minnesota Gas (GMG) will make a presentation at the Annual Meeting on June 20 to update members on the new gas line they are installing along selected shores of Sallie and Melissa. Until then, call GMG 888-931-3411 with questions.




June 12,13 &15 and June 19-21 are the CleanUp Dates.  You should be receiving a mailer notice from the township soon.  There are rules for what can be brought to their site, so read the flyer carefully.




The most important date to put on your calendar is the meeting of the Beach Captains and Officers on June 13 to be held at 9:30 am sharp at the Shoreham Hotel. We have a number of issues that will require your vote and urge you to attend. We will be taking a new approach on encouraging members by giving you a list of the people on your beach who have not sent in their dues for 2015, so you will know exactly who to contact as you make the rounds of your beach.


Review information about Beach Captains’ responsibilities here.  Beach captains, please read before our meeting; others, read it if you are interested in becoming a Beach Captain.  We really need volunteers from each Beach.  Call Vicky Williams (218-847-5923) if you are willing to volunteer.  Call Mary Ann Bond (218-846-1898) if you cannot make the meeting — she will let you know how to pick up your materials.


Our Beach Captains work diligently to help keep our membership roster up to date.  Please help by responding to their requests for information. They will be working on your beach starting mid-June.  Thanks to all the volunteers who help make MelSal work.



Please keep an eye out for this 4 wheeler that was taken from my residence on south Melissa Dr Saturday between the hours of 6pm-12am while I was fishing on lake Sallie.  If your traveling to and from the lakes and see one like this please send me or the Becker County sheriff any information.  And remember association members it could happen to you.


Thank you Danny Clark




The Annual Membership Meeting will be held on June 20 at the Shoreham Chapel with the social to start at 9:30 and the meeting at 10:00.


Immediately after the Annual Meeting of the Melissa-Sallie Association we will have the GRAND OPENING of the new office space in the Shoreham “gas station.”  Bring your family, friends and neighbors for a continuation of our social hour.  A Shoreham gift will be given to all who attend.  Our merchandise is mostly half-price.  Our offices are scheduled to be open now, if we have volunteer staffing.




The 2015 Boat Parade will begin at 10:30 sharp, Saturday July 4.  Boats will gather at the channel (Melissa and Sallie) and proceed counter-clockwise around the lakes. Prizes will be awarded for the best decorated water crafts and homes/docks.


We are still seeking one or two more people to help judge the Melissa Boat Parade.  It only take a few hours.  Can you help?  Please call Carolyn Becraft to volunteer:  218-846-1943.




For now, if you have any specific suggestions for web site content, please forward them today to chair Marsha Johansen:





If you have not yet sent us your 2015 contact information and dues, please visit our Membership page and fill out the Membership & Dues form and mail it today.  Updated Cell Phone lists will be emailed to those to have paid dues by June 5.




If you have any, please mail them to MelSal at PO Box 1003.  Or REPLY to:





Lakes Melissa Sallie Improvement Association

Mary Ann Bond, President



Mailing address for MelSal: PO Box 1003, Detroit Lakes MN 56502


Send email address and other contact info changes directly to:


Summer Hours:

Memorial Day thru Labor Day

Saturdays and Sundays:  10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Tons of Information and photos. 
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